Donnerstag, 29. März 2018

Lien definition

Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. A lien is a legal right granted by the owner of property, by a law or otherwise acquired by a creditor. A lien serves to guarantee an underlying obligation, such as the repayment of a loan. Other Liens The published statutes of a state usually have a section on the topic of liens under which is listed most or all of the liens allowed by state law.

Lien definition , the legal claim of one person upon the property of another person to secure the payment of a debt or the satisfaction of an obligation.

A property lien is a legal claim on assets which allows the holder to obtain access to property if debts are not paid. Property liens can be used by creditors in a variety of situations. Lien étroit Sens : Rapport intime entre deux ou plusieurs personnes, ou entre plusieurs choses. Wortextraktions-Algorithmus versucht Wortwurzel, Aufschluss zur semantischen Herkunft, Definition und Wortbedeutung von LIEN abzuleiten.

Even mortgage liens may be reduced in amount, if the real estate is not worth as much as the loan balance. A lien protects lenders in the event of non-payment. Since loans with collateral are less risky for the lender , they can lead to lower interest rates for the borrower.

But except for mortgage liens and tax liens , they rarely do so.

This is because in most cases your mortgage was placed on the property before the liens and so must be paid off before any liens are paid. If the creditor forecloses on the lien , it has to keep up the payments on the mortgage or lose the property. Tisser des liens Sens : Se lier peu à peu, créer des liens, nouer des liens (avec telles personnes). Wenn Sie eine andere Definition von LIEN kennen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

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A lender’s legal right to hold the property of another person until a debt is paid in full. Wird zu einem bereits bestehenden Darlehen ein weiterer Kredit gewährt, spricht man von einem Second- Lien -Kredit. Der Einsatz der nachrangigen Kreditgewährung erfolgt hauptsächlich von CLO-Fonds (Collateralized Loan Obligation) im Zuge von Leveraged Buy-outs. If a property or other type of collateral is used to back a debt, first.

Definition of first lien debt : The highest priority debt in the case of default. Bill agreed to pay a princely sum to rent Ted’s time machine for a quick jaunt through history. When he returned to the present, Ted presented him with a bill for the cost of the.

Lien Definition : A property right which remains attached to an object that has been sol but not totally paid for, until complete payment has been made. Lien Definition - A lien , in the context of insurance, is a legal claim that an auto insurance company, health care provider, or health insurance. Lienholder definition , a person who has a lien on particular property.

Der Begriff Lean Management (in deutschen Übersetzungen auch Schlankes Management) bezeichnet die Gesamtheit der Denkprinzipien, Methoden und Verfahrensweisen zur. The lien exists for both real property and personal property. In the realm of real property, it is called by various names, including, generically, construction lien.

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