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Präsidenten machen to constitute a committee einen Ausschuss einsetzen to constitute a house ein beschlussfähiges Haus bildenpol. Grenze festsetzen to constitute a quorum beschlussfähig sein to constitute a threat eine Bedrohung sein eine Bedrohung darstellen to constitute a. This release does not constitute , nor does it form part of, any offer or invitation to buy, sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of, or issue, or any solicitation of any offer to sell or issue, exchange or otherwise dispose of, buy or subscribe for, any securities, nor does it constitute investment, legal, tax, accountancy or other advice or a. Constitute definition is - make up, form, compose. How to use constitute in a sentence. English dictionary definition of constitute. Indigenous peoples constitute approximately half of the population.
The illiteracy, birth and child mortality rates are considerably higher for them than for Ladinos, who form the economically and culturally dominant strata of society. We are more than a lab and less than an institute. We combine quick and process driven innovation from experimental lab situations with the focused and academic work of an institutional organisation. Special needs demand special teams.

We constitute units precisely selected on the expertise that is. They will constitute substantial portion of all entry-level workers. Truth and reason constitute that intellectual gold that defies destruction.
Me didst Thou constitute a priest of thine. Neben der Veröffentlichung zahlreicher Fachtexte hält Christian Zöllner international Vorträge und Workshops zu Design, Designforschung, Social Fiction und Rapid Prototyping. Fabmobil Projekt realisiert.
What constitutes a family? Failure to comply constitutes an act of discrimination. He said such an act constitutes a fraud which could be addressed by the courts of law, adding that such incidents should not be allowed by the farming community. Any breach will constitute grounds for expulsion from the event.
That which is duly constituted is properly made up and formally correct and valid. To comprise or put together. TO CONSTITUTE , contr. To empower, to authorize.

In the common form of letters of attorney, these words. An example of constitute is for a one room schoolhouse. Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und viele weitere Deutsch-Übersetzungen.
Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit to constitute something – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. If the Tribunal considered itself endowed with jurisdiction (which it did) the defendant averred that the request to constitute a limitation fund (or to give direction as to how to do so) or make a limitation decree should be dismissed and jurisdiction not be exercised because: (i) it is established practice of the Dubai Courts to permit. Weights are rounded to six decimal points, for example, 0. As such the totals may not add up.
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