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Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für secondment im Online-Wörterbuch dict. Zudem bietet es die Möglichkeit, sich international zu vernetzen und ein Gespür für die Bedürfnisse der Mandanten zu. Bedeutung, Definition secondment : 1. In der Regel findet dieser Aufenthalt im Ausland statt, um so. This is not to be confused with temporary work. English dictionary definition of secondment.
Brit a temporary transfer to another job or post within the same organization Noun 1. There will be certain circumstances when it will be necessary for the secondment to terminate with immediate effect. A judge for life or for a specified term may, within one business year, be seconded to other courts within the same jurisdiction without his own consent and for altogether three months at the most. A secondment is the opportunity to work temporarily in a different firm or department to the one you are already working in. In an internal secondment , the employee moves to a different part of the same organisation. In an external secondment , the employee temporarily works at a different organisation.
There is no set time frame for a secondment. Seel ist Arbeitsrechtler aus Hannover und wird von seiner Kanzlei Luther Rechtsanwälte in das Büro nach Singapur entsandt. Kompletträder für jeden auf Felgen in allen Preissegmenten ! Jetzt Angebot sichern. Stichwörter und Wendungen sowie 120.
During the secondment , the employee has records to maintain in both business groups. Während der Abordnung müssen für den Mitarbeiter in beiden Unternehmensgruppen Datensätze verwaltet werden. The exchange and secondment of staff should establish a common supervisory culture.
Equally, do not use secondment as a way to avoid a job you dislike. Even though secondment could open up new opportunities for you, for some period of time you will probably have to move back to your old team, and this could be awkward if you are not comfortable returning to them. Are assignments and secondments similar to development programs? Although they provide opportunities for employees to gain experience that will assist in their career development and individual aspirations, assignments and secondments are not the same as development.
Advertise a secondment. Please send a completed secondment advert template and a job description for the role to HR web. Przykłady użycia - secondment po polsku. Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. Więcej informacji tutaj.

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